Feijen High-Tech Innovations
FHTI brings you innovation to life


Ing. Frans Feijen MBA      

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ffeijen@ffeijen.com     +31-(0)6-23351147          frans-feijen              @FFeijen                 FFeijen.com

 De Bresser 10, 5465 PW, Veghel, The Netherlands

Experienced projects and program manager for the innovation and production area. I handled in the last 5 years several years 3 - 6 projects simultaneously for the electronics high-tech industry for technology-, process- & equipment build-up in the mentioned areas.

The scopes of the projects & programs I led: Leadtime’s 6- 18 months, budgets ranging from 0.5 to 5 million Euro in an international environment. I worked in the last years for NXP, BESI and KMWE as an agile, QLTC project and program manager for technology and fine mechanical equipment innovation. In each company is used a like procedural system for project and program management. The projects were handled from the requirements specification with the customer until operational Qualification (OQ) during SAT and installation qualification (IQ) + performance qualification (PQ) during FAT.

The scopes of the projects are always defined during the start-up phase in cooperation with the customer and the company owner, based on the requirements and aims set by them in Quality (Q), logistics (L), planning, resources (T) and financial (C) results. As such have, I also acted as people manager for several great project and engineering teams. The projects have ranged in fte. from 6 - 30 people.

I worked in total 18 years in the global production environment of semiconductors, solar and displays, and managed process, equipment developments and factory change projects in this environment (also big data collection and analysis). There is prove for continuous 6S improvements of change projects, with respect to efficiency, productivity, and profitability in the IC manufacturing. I gained a green and black belt over the years.

Further did I work 15 years in R&D for Philips, NXP and Liquavista. As result of this do, I have the ability & experience to recognize good (disruptive) innovations and create a fast vision and innovation strategy about the needed products and production environment build-up.

Wished next step in my career: advice/consultant for the high-tech industry (equipment & process), R&D/innovation/production manager or Sr. project/program manager in a high-tech company.