Feijen High-Tech Innovations
FHTI brings you innovation to life

what can be acchieved

sound project and program management is depending on a sound projectplan and capable team. The project management again depends again on the right project management structure, procedures and documents.  The needed P-management + structure can be delivered by FHTI in cooperation with the customer.

Also can be assesed for you if the chossen company team is capable to finalize the project with succes.

If the team is not capable or complete then is this indicated and can be searched by us for the extra disciplines, in company or externally. You can hire the extra fte's for your project team to guarantee that the innovation is ready in time and you can concur the market!

For a sound project /program management are needed several documents. FHTI can delliver for you the document deck and standarize you P-management so no flaws are admitted or mistakes are made.

FHTI  can deliver a project consulting service and coaching service when needed. we can act as consultant for the project managers

But also as coach for the project managers or as project manager of a project.