Feijen High-Tech Innovations
FHTI brings you innovation to life

project innovation or a innovation project?

First of all are many types of project management possible. Not all are fit for your company.

terms that are used are:

PMP, PMBOK, IPMA, Agile, QLTC,Pragmatic ect.They all want the same: to define Scope, Cost and Time and deliver quality. But ach company has its own culture in which a certain project management style can florish. But it is mostly unknown what style this should be.  Mostly is it needed to look which style is the best for the technical environment you work. In production is fi. an other style needed than in research or development. 


Further is it needed to define the what project management procedures and related documents are needed so the best can be reached. For this we can use fi. the procedures of the best practice companies. These companies a much beter in converting ideas into revenue and have the least project failures. as is shown below:

The succes of a project is depending on project manager PM- and leadership style and how he adresses the team members. Their background, education and character defines which style fits the best for the team. The project manager needs to be selected with care. His pulse of profession and leadership style during the project can be a key for the project succes. each project and team needs to be adressed in a different way.


We need to analyse which style need to be used and can be builded up in the company so the right project management style for your company, technical environment or project manager is introduced or improved.